HOURS: Monday - Friday: 7:00AM - 5:30PM / Saturday - Sunday: Closed / Shroyer's Towing: (517) 887-8000

brake repair

(517) 393-7240 Jerry's Automotive LLC 5544 Martin Luther King Blvd.
Lansing, MI 48911

Car Care

Car Care: Auto Maintenance Services

Jerry’s Automotive in Lansing, MI 48911 is a full-service preventative maintenance and auto repair center, providing comprehensive car care services for your domestic or import vehicle to keep it running at full power. For questions, contact us at 517-393-7240 or send us an email, and our experts will help determine what needs to be done.

Our basic auto maintenance services include:

Factory Recommended Service/Maintenance

Automotive and auto parts come with a factory recommended service and maintenance schedule. The manufacturer will tell you how often to service or replace an auto part. At Jerry’s Automotive, we offer factory recommended service/maintenance. Our highly skilled auto mechanics offer comprehensive knowledge and experience. At Jerry’s Automotive, all your factory recommended service/maintenance needs are handled with the latest diagnostic equipment. Remember, we work on all American and imported vehicles (either diesel or gas engines).

30/60/90K Mileage Maintenance

As time goes by, various auto repair and maintenance needs come up at different intervals. Most manufacturers recommend car maintenance in intervals of 30,000 miles. This is the 30/60/90K mile schedule (issued by the manufacturers to car owners). Trust the experts at Jerry’s Automotive to keep you on schedule, and help you preserve the condition of the vehicle, optimize its performance, and increase its resale value.

The 30/60/90K service includes the following:

To keep running smoothly, your car highly relies on oil, lube, and oil filters. Oil helps in lubricating, cooling, and cleaning the internal engine components. With time, motor oil becomes contaminated. Your car needs an oil, lube, and filter change every three months (or 3,000 miles). When it is time for a lube, oil, or filter change, take your vehicle to Jerry’s Automotive in Lansing, MI 48911.

Contact Information

Jerry's Automotive LLC

5544 Martin Luther King Blvd.
Lansing, MI 48911

Feel free to call or email us to schedule your next appointment.

(517) 393-7240


Monday thru Friday
7:00 AM - 5:30 PM

Saturday - Sunday

Towing Service
Shroyer's Towing at (517) 887-8000

We accept cash.
  • car repair
  • car repair shop
  • brake repair